
  • Parmesan Penne With Chicken Sausage And Broccoli

    One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2015 was to be better about budgeting out my grocery money and being smarter about spending. Since I’m a food blogger, I tend to spend a good amount of moolah on ingredients and kitchen gadgets. I also happen to be a college student, so the two don’t often…

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    Parmesan Penne With Chicken Sausage And Broccoli

  • Double Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Bites

    February is a good month for chocolate. I mean, every month is a good month for chocolate, but February and chocolate go particularly well together… probably because of Valentine’s Day. I’m not entirely sure how chocolate got associated with Valentine’s in the first place, but you definitely won’t find me complaining. I adore the stuff and it…

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    Double Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Bites

  • Baked Corn Dog Muffins – Savory Style

    Jump to RecipePrint Recipe After all the cooking that comes with Thanksgiving, I need a break! I swear, cooking is just as tiring as working out and after making a big meal for all my extended family, I just want to give up cooking forever and sit myself down for a marathon of Netflix and…

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    Baked Corn Dog Muffins – Savory Style

  • Lemon Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes – #1 Snack For Kids

    The other day, I achieved the impossible. I actually managed to convince my mom to make Lemon Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes for dinner. Now, I realize that doesn’t sound overly impressive from the get-go, so allow me to explain my reasons for busting out the happy dance on a recent Sunday afternoon. See, my mom makes some killer…

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    Lemon Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes – #1 Snack For Kids

  • Marshmallow Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies – Savory Style

    Growing up we could never have peanut butter. In fact it wasn’t even allowed in our house. Now, before you think I had crazy parents or something, it was for a very valid reason. My older brother is quite deathly allergic to peanuts; even the smell the peanut butter or peanuts made his eyes and…

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    Marshmallow Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies – Savory Style

  • Egg And Veggie Quinoa Pie

    Breakfast is, without a doubt, one of my favourite things in life. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that it’s the main reason I get out of bed in the morning. No, really… have you ever tried to sleep in with a grumbling stomach? Not happening. But seriously, what’s better than waking up…

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    Egg And Veggie Quinoa Pie

  • Spinach, Mushroom And Broccoli Frittatas With Cheddar And Greek Yogurt

    I’m a breakfast girl to the tee. Before I go to bed I daydream about what I’m going to eat the next morning and am immeasurably excited for daylight to break. Immediately upon waking up, my stomach is grumbling and I’m narrowing the inventory of my fridge down to a few options – I only…

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    Spinach, Mushroom And Broccoli Frittatas With Cheddar And Greek Yogurt

  • Paw Print Dog Biscuits

    I grew up in the 90′s, arguably one of the last century’s more sartorially challenged decades, so naturally I was once the proud owner of more than a few pairs of overalls *shudder*. Black velvet (never mind my velvet phobia), indigo denim with Tweety Bird embroidery, an assortment of shortalls (overall shorts); it’s safe to…

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    Paw Print Dog Biscuits

  • Honey Oat Strawberry Smoothie

    ‘Tis the season for New Years’ resolutions! I love the whole “fresh start” feel that comes with the New Year, but I go back and forth on the idea of actually making resolutions. On the one hand, I love having a concrete goal in mind to really channel my energy towards — the extra focus is much…

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    Honey Oat Strawberry Smoothie