Category: Recipes

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    Salted Caramel Apple Hand Pies

    If you ever get to know me or read my personal blog, you’d quickly realize that I am food obsessed. I’m pretty game to try any type of food and grew up in an eclectic household where traditional Japanese food of octopus and sashimi were devoured and Norwegian meat cakes were a family favorite. But,…

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    No-Bake Salted Caramel Popcorn

    With Fall now in full swing, I’m loading myself up in all the spiced flavors that come with the season. I feel the need to get my Fall-fix through food since living in California doesn’t make for very good seasons (it’s still 75 and sunny over here without a crunchy orange leaf to be found).…

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    Vanilla Cupcakes With Hazelnut Frosting

    Cupcakes are just one of those foods you can’t go wrong with. I mean, seriously, have you ever heard of someone disliking them or there being leftovers when you bring them to a party? Trust me, I’d know. I was always the “baking girl” in high school and am pretty well-versed on the dynamics of…

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    Buffalo Bacon Cheese Ball – Savory Style

    Now that the holiday season is behind us, and we’re done roasting turkeys, mashing potatoes and sipping on bubbly, the next chapter of winter is upon us – the Super bowl! I, like so many others enjoy the Super Bowl for reasons other than the actual game itself. I love it because it’s yet another…

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    Nutella Hot Chocolate

    Most mornings, I grab some yogurt or a granola bar as I head out the door to work. I’m usually in a rush to get ready, to that’s all I can manager early in the morning. If I have a few extra minutes to spare, I will make some coffee or tea to take with…

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    Buffalo Bacon Cheese Ball

    Now that the holiday season is behind us, and we’re done roasting turkeys, mashing potatoes and sipping on bubbly, the next chapter of winter is upon us – the Super bowl! I, like so many others enjoy the Super Bowl for reasons other than the actual game itself. I love it because it’s yet another…

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    Deviled Egg Dip

    Food allergies are a serious pain in the butt. If you have them, you know what I’m talking about; if you don’t, you’re a lucky bugger just gonna have to trust me on this one. Not only do you have to become a pro at studying nutrition labels, but any kind of social gatherings that…

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    Chocolate Gingerbread Truffles – Savory Style

    Jump to RecipePrint Recipe There are certain foods that, although perfectly delicious in their own right, become a whole other force to be reckoned with when combined. Peanut butter and jelly. Ketchup and fries. Cookies and cream cheese. Wait… what? Here’s the part where I kindly ask you to lower your slightly raised eyebrow and stop looking at me like…

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    30 Silky Sweet Strawberry Smoothies – Savory Style

    Strawberries smoothies are naturally sweet, healthy and a breeze to make. Perfect for breakfast, a refreshing afternoon snack or a fun party treat, you’ll never be left disappointed sipping on this flavorful drink. Treat yourself to one, or all of these delightful Strawberry Smoothie recipes! 1. Honey Oat Strawberry Smoothie The oats make this extra thick and creamy. YUM!…

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    Contributor Guidelines

    Are you a food blogger and interested in sharing some of your recipes with our community? We welcome talented food writers. We currently have a waiting list for future contributors. If you are interested please contact us with your website or posts that you have written. Review our contributor guidelines below: Writing: This is a blog we…

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