
  • Vanilla Cupcakes With Hazelnut Frosting

    Cupcakes are just one of those foods you can’t go wrong with. I mean, seriously, have you ever heard of someone disliking them or there being leftovers when you bring them to a party? Trust me, I’d know. I was always the “baking girl” in high school and am pretty well-versed on the dynamics of…

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    Vanilla Cupcakes With Hazelnut Frosting

  • Salted Caramel Apple Hand Pies – Savory Style

    If you ever get to know me or read my personal blog, you’d quickly realize that I am food obsessed. I’m pretty game to try any type of food and grew up in an eclectic household where traditional Japanese food of octopus and sashimi were devoured and Norwegian meat cakes were a family favorite. But,…

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    Salted Caramel Apple Hand Pies – Savory Style

  • Bacon Pimento Cheese – Savory Style

    Hi there! I’m Jessica from and I’m delighted to be stopping in here at Savory Style to share a recipe with you every so often! I can’t think of a better way to kick off our new friendship than with cheese and crackers and bacon, a few cold drinks, and a story about how…

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    Bacon Pimento Cheese – Savory Style

  • Peppermint Crunch Brownies

    Well, it’s officially the holiday season. Christmas decorations are up, the malls are crowded, and countless holiday movies are being broadcast on television. And even though the weather is even starting to feel like winter, I love this time of year. I’ve gotten a head start on shopping and have even started wrapping some gifts.…

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    Peppermint Crunch Brownies

  • Healthier Chicken Bolognese With Linguini

    If there’s anything I gravitate towards in the cold winter months it’s hands down, a giant bowl of steaming pasta paired with a hearty red or meat sauce. At times it’s even more comforting than a warm hug or roaring fire on the coldest of nights, although if I can have all three simultaneously, that…

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    Healthier Chicken Bolognese With Linguini

  • Creamy Carrot Cake Smoothie

    I really love freshly squeezed made carrot juice. I think part of that stems from the fact that it reminds me of my childhood and the countless glasses that my parents would make for me to “help me get my vitamins in,” but I also love it simply because it makes me feel pretty darn fantastic. Sweet, refreshing,…

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    Creamy Carrot Cake Smoothie

  • Balsamic Honey Roasted Potatoes

    My family is no stranger to potatoes. My dad actually grew up on a rural potato farm in Norway and to say that potatoes are his favorite food would be a huge understatement. That man lives for potatoes. My mom has mastered the art of microwaving potatoes since he eats them so often and nothing…

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    Balsamic Honey Roasted Potatoes

  • Cake Batter Popcorn – Savory Style

    Growing up, I always loved eating ice cream as an after-dinner treat or snack before bed time. Although it wasn’t something I ate too often, I looked forward to having a dish of this creamy treat when the weather was hot or it was served alongside a piece of birthday cake.  My family and I…

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    Cake Batter Popcorn – Savory Style

  • White Chocolate Cinnamon Biscuits

    Now that the holidays are officially over, I’m settling back into my old routine. No more watching Christmas movies every night, running out to buy last minute gifts, or fighting the crowds at the shopping malls every weekend. And while I don’t miss holiday shopping, I do miss my Christmas tree. Now that all of…

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    White Chocolate Cinnamon Biscuits