
  • Chocolate Chunk Orange Bread – Savory Style

    I’ve been baking for pretty much as far back as I can remember. In fact, I’m pretty sure I came out of the womb with oven mitts on my teeny, tiny hands. Awww, cutest mental image ever. In all seriousness, though, I have been baking for what feels like forever. My mom introduced me to the beauty that…

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    Chocolate Chunk Orange Bread – Savory Style

  • Seared Salmon Salad With Dates, Roasted Red Peppers And Fontina

    Salads can be boring. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good salad as a precursor to a meal – there is nothing like a classic Caesar pre-pasta, or a crisp spinach salad with warm bacon vinaigrette before a hearty meal. Butttt, they almost never fill me up, and they rarely replace an actual meal.…

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    Seared Salmon Salad With Dates, Roasted Red Peppers And Fontina

  • Iced Mocha Cappuccino – Savory Style

    It’s Friday, which calls for massive amounts of coffee since it’s almost a three day weekend! Actually, any day requires caffeine in my book, but especially on days like today, it’s an absolute necessity. I just started drinking coffee about seven years ago, and ever since then I’ve been hooked. I’m not addicted to it…

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    Iced Mocha Cappuccino – Savory Style

  • Creamy One Pot Garlic And Parmesan Pasta

    While I’ve always been a foodie and enjoyed gourmet foods more than most, I’ve never been what you call a “food snob.” I’ll eat pretty much anything if tastes good, and when I was a kid, I had major love affair with boxed pasta. You name it, I liked it. Kraft mac and cheese. Hamburger…

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    Creamy One Pot Garlic And Parmesan Pasta

  • Email Whitelisting – Savory Style

    Many e-mail and internet companies are now using programs to block unwanted e-mail, often called spam. Sometimes, however, these programs block e-mail you want to get. To Ensure You Are Receiving Your Savory Style Emails Do The Following: Be sure to add the corresponding Savory Style email addresses to your email white list to ensure…

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    Email Whitelisting – Savory Style

  • Blueberry Oatmeal Crumble Bars – Savory Style

    One of the things I miss the most about living at home is having access to my mom’s cooking on a regular basis. Not only is she an amazing cook, but it was so nice not to have to worry about doing all the cooking all the time… especially during a period of my life where…

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    Blueberry Oatmeal Crumble Bars – Savory Style

  • Chocolate Cheesecake Mousse – Savory Style

    Jump to RecipePrint Recipe Since January is finally in full swing, I’m really beginning to feel the effects of winter. The temperatures are below freezing, snow is finally making an appearance, and warm weather is a thought of the past. While I love starting a new year and all the positive things to look forward…

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    Chocolate Cheesecake Mousse – Savory Style

  • Spinach And Feta Mini Frittatas – Savory Style

    What is it about mini things that makes them that much more appealing? Mini dogs. Mini phones. Mini pigs. Mini Coopers. Miniaturize anything and it becomes impossible to resist. Well, maybe not mini dogs… I mean, I think they’re ridiculously cute and all, but only from a distance. Give me a huge hulking St. Bernard over a yappy little…

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    Spinach And Feta Mini Frittatas – Savory Style

  • Clementine Loaf – Savory Style

    Have you guys seen the movie, Walter Mitty? If you have, you’re awesome and if not you need to see it ASAP! I saw it in theaters last winter and have been obsessed ever since. Besides being a gorgeous feel-good film, it also has some stunning food inspo.  In particular, an amazing clementine cake. Ever…

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    Clementine Loaf – Savory Style